Your Tree Of Life

Amos Bracewell
1 min readDec 18, 2020

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

~Proverbs 13:12

Have you ever wanted something so intensely, you actually ached?

The kind of ache that made you want to forgo wanting.

When weary from weeping over what we wish were, sometimes it’s easier to let dreams die.

Many do. And who can blame them?

A sickened heart knows but half the joy — at most, that is supposed to jewel the journey.

Sulking, slinking, and eventually sliding back from the table of life — pushing plate, pleasure, and possibility away.

“I’ll be in my room. I wasn’t hungry anyhow”, it weakly whispers.

What options exist when, from wait’s wallowed waning, one falls faint-hearted?

How long can one go without nourishment?

How far can one forge forward, before from famine, one fails?

There is a tree with your name on it.

Its fruit belongs only to you.

It was created not only to resuscitate you, but to also fill you to overflowing.

When you finally find your tree, it won’t be from recognising its stature, shape, or silhouette.

You’ll know it by the filling that finds you.

When bark and branch are better balm, than shimmering seas upon sunshined shores.

Photo by Kai Dörner on Unsplash

