The Vacuum Of Vulnerability

Amos Bracewell
3 min readSep 21, 2020

It is the polar opposite to what the world system teaches us — to guard ourselves at all costs.

And yet few things magnetically pull people and opportunities in faster than being vulnerable.

Its ability to draw in the diamonds we desire, to see the sparkle we seek, can not be understated.

When we meet someone whose guard is voluntarily lowered, it inspires us. For it is bravery at its finest.

We marvel at the muscle bound, who foray into the fight — vanquishing the villainous.

But even their brute strength can’t budge the seismic stones that vulnerability so easily vacates.

And this is because vulnerability is not only one of the sexiest things on the planet, it is just simply badass.

Its ability to do for us in a moment, what we could never deliver in a year, beckons us to ponder this puzzle.

How can exposing weakness be so wonderful?

How can lowering one’s guard be so gainful?

Just yesterday, I took a new step.

I am starting to record a number of hymns I learned growing up in the church.

I have both recorded, and filmed music videos before. But I have never been the one in charge of filming, recording, and editing.

Wearing all those hats is new to me. But it was time to stretch and grow. It was time to let my guard down again.

I felt exposed when I posted the music video of yesterday’s hymn, for I knew there were many apparent ‘errors’ in the final product.

But I also knew I had to start somewhere.

Waiting for perfection to occur, prior to commencing, never gained entrance.

We have to begin, if we ever hope to arrive. And that is where vulnerability aids us.

It energizes what we do — more than compensating for our lack, ensuring we are more than we would be without it.

This morning after finding sufficient reasons as to why my first hymn recording wasn’t good enough, I felt God nudging me to speak out 5 things I am proud about in that recording.

I did just that. I celebrated my wins.

We don’t always know where we are going, or what the end will look like. But we can control our state of travelling.

After a few decades of beating my head against perfection’s wall, I realized that chasing perfection alone — the discipline of excellence, will never achieve for me what my heart most desires.

And that is to be in a continual state of growth and ever-increasing awareness, coupled with the real reasons which make getting out of bed in the morning worth it.

To know that I have encouraged and uplifted somebody today with my imperfect video, makes any ‘lack’ I am learning my way through, lose its voice of vote.

We have two hands.

One hand to pull us forward, believing for better…

And one hand to lower our walls — unshielding our soul.

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

